Can you go abroad with an illness?

So when I tell people about my desire to live in another country, I occasionally get the person who says, “Well what’s stopping you from doing it now?!”

I’m pretty sure we’ve already talked about my parents, and specifically the fact that, well, they’re my source of health insurance. But there’s more than them and my boyfriend that I’m relying on.

I have Crohn’s disease. If you don’t know what this is, the short version is that my intestines are inflamed, so I can basically get stomach flu symptoms at any time. Because of my Crohn’s, I’m on 8-week infusions of this medication called Remicade. Now this was only approved recently (like 5+ years) in the US, where Crohn’s and related illnesses are pretty prevalent. Last night on my car ride home from college (spring break yay!), I realized that this probably isn’t available in Japan.

Granted, I met with my doctor this past week, and he said we may change my medication anyway to shots that I give myself (called Humira). I’m hoping that these can at least be shipped, and that they may be more readily available as it has been around somewhat longer. 

So does anyone have any advice for tackling this? Because granted, I could go abroad for an amount of time without worry, but living in Japan seems to be a long time off now.

Also, I’m going to be looking into ESL/EFL programs to possibly teach abroad! So that’s one issue I’m tackling at least 🙂

X, Sarah